Presentations from Penn State psychiatry faculty – most about 30 minutes
- Autism Spectrum Disorders – Raman Baweja, MD
- Anxiety Disorders in Youth: Medication Issues – Christopher Petersen, M.D.
- Disruptive Behaviors in Children and Adolescents – Usman Hameed, MD
- Mental Health Services in Schools: An Overview for PCP’s – Richard Mattison, MD
- Treatment of Depression and Suicide Prevention – Lidija Petrovic-Dovat, MD
- Treatment of ADHD in the Primary Care Setting – James Waxmonsky, MD
Families should not change any medication based on this presentation. Talk to your provider if you have questions.
The information presented on this website is for general use only and is not intended to provide personal advice or substitute for the advice of a qualified professional. For more information, please click here
My 7yr old son has threatened suicide several times, ran away, physically abusive. Currently has therapist and MD for meds. Been to ER for eval several times recently cause of his suicide threats and violent outbursts. The hospitals refuse to admit him for inpatient anywhere and don’t offer us any help. He is even asking to be put somewhere to help him. What can we do?
The Child Advocate
What if I have two of three disorders that my son has. He started with delayed development, then diagnosed with ADHD and now they added Autism which to me is one for ABA therapy that deals with all three but I want him at least till he is 16 and we have “weaned” him from his uncle and I. He has adults that have made him very eerie to be with. He won’t even go next door or neighbors he knows unless his uncle or I are with him. The Community Mental Health Dept Autism wants to take him outside of the home, fine at school, to a center and do the therapy. But having seen him shutdown before and it has and will continue to affect his physical health with his fear growing that he will be taken away and not coming back no matter how much assurance we give him!!
Many children with autism and ADHD have very special needs including ABA therapy and/or family based therapy at home. Please keep him close to family. Your child needs your support but know that others do have much to offer and social relationships with others will be one key to happiness.
What if these are to complex? Are there other resources?
See Child Mental Health and Psychiatric Issues for many more posts and resources at
Also try the Search link at the top of every page.
I hope this helps!