Family Issues
Information regarding families and parentingDanger Zones for Children’s Injuries
Mon Jun 2, 1:37 PM ET Reuters CHICAGO (Reuters) - The most common injuries children suffer vary by age almost month by month, with the most dangerous time coming at 15 to 17 months, according to a U.S. study published on Monday. The University of California report,...
Single Mom’s Hostility Can Cause Problems
NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - Children living with single mothers are at greater risk for social, academic and psychiatric problems than their peers who live in two-parent families. But according to Canadian researchers, factors such as family income, a mother's...
Children’s time: the real issue in grandparents’ rights case
by Dahlia Lithwick FindLaw Contributor Special to CNN Interactive June 23, 2000 Web posted at: 12:20 p.m. EST (1620 GMT) (FindLaw) -- Much of the commentary about Troxel v. Granville -- the so-called grandparents' rights case decided in the Supreme Court in June --...
Aggression Relates to Time in Child Care
Children who spent more time in child care were rated by caregivers, mothers, and kindergarten teachers as having more behavior problems than did children of the same age who spent less time in child care.
Discipline Disputes
Continued behavior problems often indicate that a child’s program is not appropriate. If parents suspect that behavior problems are preventing their child from succeeding at school, they should write to the principal and request an IEP Team Meeting or “Pre-Hearing Conference.”
AD/HD under IDEA
What You Need To Know About AD/HD Under The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (By Matthew Cohen, JD)
Diabetes Issues in the School and Classroom
Insulin pumps and classroom finger stick testing have improved treatment, yet schools often are hesitant or have concerns regarding their use. These documents go a long way toward addressing school issues and allowing student’s independence.
Shared Parenting: The New Frontier
A shared parenting arrangement is defined as involving at least 30 percent of the time with each parent, the incidence of shared care among divorced couples increased from 2.2 percent to 14.2 percent between 1980 and 1992. By 2001, it had reached 32 percent.
Divorce Effects on Children
Divorce is an intensely stressful experience for all children, regardless of age or developmental level; many children are inadequately prepared for the impending divorce by their parents based on 1980 and 1990 studies.